miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

A Hard days night.- Los Beatles

Seguimos coa música que nos gusta, e esta é a elección de Nuria. Unha divertida canción da grande icona do século XX que son os Beatles. Esta claro que para todos nós son xa un clásico.

Deixovos a letra que é un dos elementos que nos quedou por faltar na clase. Aínda que como vedes as imaxes do vídeo non teñen nada que ver co texto, e si moito co movemento "fan" do que os beatles son prácticamente precursores. Se queredes coñecer algo máis sobre a canción deixovos o enlace ao artigo da wikipedia sobre esta canción

It's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright

You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things
And it's worth it just to hear you say you're going to give me everything
So why on earth should I moan, cos when I get you alone
You know I feel OK

When I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

It's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright owww

So why on earth should I moan, cos when I get you alone
You know I feel OK

When I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

It's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright
You know I feel alright
You know I feel alright

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